What is 5-HTP? 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. …
You might have come across “anemia” and you don’t know the reason. There are many numbers of reasons for it, …
Oxygen is one of the primary components of nature that supports life. The same oxygen, when inside the body, through …
We are continually bombarded with a never-ending avalanche of pills and potions. Plus, you’d almost need the bank account of …
Most people do not realize that the body can absorb the nutrients from liquid vitamin supplements easier than from tablets. It is …
The B12 vitamin is just one of the essential B vitamins that are needed to maintain a healthy body and mind. Cobalamin is the …
For competitive body builders to build bigger muscles faster is a constant temptation but for the average noncompetitive body builder there is another natural …
Vitamins are chemical compounds the body cannot make itself and that must therefore be supplied. Besides fat, carbohydrates, proteins (amino …
One of the most overlooked supplements on the market is Vitamin B12. Your body needs this vitamin, in combination with other …